Do you know that the major competency that every company lists first is "TEAM WORKING ABILITY" ?
Yes, majority of the companies especially MNCs are in need of good team workers who has to work in a team and achieve the common goal of the team which reflects in the growth of the company on a whole.
In this article we are going to see what a team player and a team leader has to know to be more effective and liked by all in the workplace. Becoming the kind of person every team wants will surely take us to great height in our career.
Leadership expert John C.Maxwell stated numerous essential qualities which should be developed to be a successful team player. Let us see few of those essential qualities which are more vital and will make us a great team player and a good team leader.
Fine, come on let us drive through the way of Maxwell and tune our qualities and explore new heights.
Quality - 1
"If you won't change for the team, the team may change you"
Being adaptable means being more flexible and more adjustable for the team and with the team members. If you are not able to identify what you are good at, simply try what you like but with great adaptability with your team. Here, your team will support you and will surely help you to identify your talent and excel in it, because, only the best people near you looking at your effort can make you realize what you are good at and can correct your mistakes.
Quality - 2
"Working together precedes winning together"
This is the foremost important quality we should possess. Being Collaborative means involving our self and working together to complete any task by mutual help and support. Always remember that union is strength. Facing challenges with team work will always make anything simple. Remember to complete with the team and not compete with the team. Always focus on the team and not on yourself for the best result, because when you focus on yourself and your task it only means that you are stepping out of the team goal and also remember you alone cannot reach the team goal.
One more important point to focus is that, Always complement others. Small complements will surely thicken the relationship.
Quality - 3
"There are no half hearted champions"
Don't worry that you have not done anything big and created great impact in your team, Just be committed, this will show off who you are and what you are in the team. Always make sure that you are involving yourself 100% in all the works you do, and forget about the target, because commitment is the engine for the job which will surely take you to the target. When anything is done with great commitment it will be very hard to surrender. So this is the mantra that you will not give up easily when you do anything committed.
Quality - 4
"A team is many voices with a single heart"
Yes, the most vital attribute every team player needs to possess is being more communicative. Always speak up with your team mates to understand what is up with them. Some of your team mates may not be comfortable with some of your activities or may hold back to talk to you about what you did unfavourable during certain hard times. Never let them be on the same state get near and speak up to know what went wrong and explain why that happened. This is a good chance for you to find yourself as an individual within a team and the expectation of the team.
Always make it easy for your team mates to communicate with you. Remember it is only your words which will reflect what you are. Always use polished words even on hard times. Interpersonal difficulties and conflicts are most common, do not wait for days to get back to the particular person and talk again, never take more than four hours.
Quality - 5
"If You Can't, your team won't"
Competence cannot be developed if you try to do everything. So be specialized and focus on what you are interested in, put on unconditional effort to push your interest upwards. Do what you are good at and follow your curiosity as said by Albert Einstein the great physicist. Find the small elements in the job and do it efficiently which will surely grow big jobs on its own.
If you are a team leader, always gather your team mates and make them understand that being competent is very vital and help them to identify the same. Collect ideas on how to improve the process or output of the team. Each person in your team will surely say something in which they are good at and love to do, consolidate and delegate accordingly.
"If You Can't, your team won't"
Competence cannot be developed if you try to do everything. So be specialized and focus on what you are interested in, put on unconditional effort to push your interest upwards. Do what you are good at and follow your curiosity as said by Albert Einstein the great physicist. Find the small elements in the job and do it efficiently which will surely grow big jobs on its own.
If you are a team leader, always gather your team mates and make them understand that being competent is very vital and help them to identify the same. Collect ideas on how to improve the process or output of the team. Each person in your team will surely say something in which they are good at and love to do, consolidate and delegate accordingly.
Quality - 6
"There is no I in team"
Always remember that there is no drama with a single person. Remove individual interest and multiply group interest. Ensure that you are selfless, team advancement and unity are always the product of selflessness. Holding empathetic value will surely remove the "I" in your team and results in unity and team work. If you are a team leader don't feel tired up to take up the subordinate role and get to know what bothered your team member a lot and pulled down the productivity of that particular team member.
Quality - 7
"Your heart is the source of energy for your team"
Being enthusiastic means that the desire to do more, and strive for excellence. Generally, if you wait unnecessarily to do something which you believe that it will surely bring you fame, it is clear that you lack in enthusiasm. Don't wait for someone to push you up and drag you to your goal, fill your heart with energy and happiness and make it happen. Make deadlines more earlier and move steadily towards it with cheerful attitude, so that the level of enthusiasm will not fade until you accomplish your goal.
This article is a mixture of what I have read from Maxwell's books and my own thoughts, ideas and experience. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Kindly make some notes out of it and carry if you find it worth. Keep going, make your career and personal life more colourful. Wish you all the best.